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Course Description:

In this lesson, kids will lean how to introduce themselves, talk about how they feel, tell their age and talk about the weather. (Hello, My name is …… I am … years old. Today it’s a little cloudy and very cold. Etc…)

Kids will learn to say and recognise the letters of the alphabet.

Kids will learn about colours and count to 100 or even more.

Kids will also learn some of the classroom rituals. (Stand up, sit down, hands up/ down, be quite, look, listen etc…)

– Kids will learn to talk about objects and people in a in the classroom.

– Count from 10-20 or even more.

– Kids will learn to ask and answer questions about “How many..?”

How many pencils are there? There are twenty pencils. How many teachers are there? There is one teacher in the class.

– Kids will learn to name and talk about their favourite toys.

– Kids will use this and these to talk about toys. (This is a ball. These are balls).

– Kids will learn to ask and answer questions with Whose and the possessive ‘s. Whose id this train? It’s Simon’s. Whose are these robots? They are Stella’s.

– The kids will talk about few clothes using this/these and that/ those.

– The kids will learn to name and talk about thing in a house. (kitchen, bedroom, living room, hall, dining room, bathroom, bed, sofa, chair, table, window, door, lamp, mirror, bath, phone etc…)

– Kid will learn to talk about where objects are in a house, using prepositions. (The lamp in on the cupboard. The clock is on the wall. The phone is next to the lamp. The girl is sitting on the bed. There is a duck on the mat etc…)

– Kids will learn to talk about possessions using ‘mine’and ‘yours’ (Is this book yours? Yes, it’s mine).

– Kids will learn to talk about members of their family. (I have got a brother and two sisters. I’m the only child)

– Kids will be able to identify family relationships using a family tree. (This is my grandpa, this is my cousin…)

– Kids will learn to describe actions using the present continuous. (The baby is sleeping. The boy is running. Grandpa is flying a kite. The children are dancing.)

Kids will learn to describe and write as many sentences about a given picture.

– The kids will learn to name and talk about different foods.

– Kids will learn about meal times and what food they can eat during different meal times. I have chicken and rice for dinner. I have milk for breakfast. I have tea and biscuits for teatime. I have egg and chips for lunch.

– Kids will practice asking and answering politely for food. “Can I have some bread please? Here you are. Thank you”

– Kids will talk about animals on a farm.

– Kids will talk about likes and express agreement. (I like horses. So do I)

– Kids will learn to describe their favourite animals. (Horses are big, they have four long legs, they are brown? Etc…)

– Kids will be able to name places in a town. (Hospital, school, flat, park etc…)

– Kids will reading and talking about a town using prepositions. (The school is next to the park. The café in in front of the library)

– Kids will ask and answer about location. (Where is the car? It’s in front of the toy shop).

– Kids will learn about clothes and talk about what they are wearing. (I am wearing blue jeans, a black t-shirt, black shoes and a green jacket).

– Kids will ask and answer about ownership. (Have you got a …..? Yes I have got …./ No I have not got ….)

– Kids will be able to name and talk about hobbies. (What is your favourite hobby? I like playing tennis and drawing.)

– Kids will talk and read about certain sports and hobbies.

– Kids will talk about likes and dislikes. (Do you like reading? Yes, I do. Do you like painting? No, I don’t.)

– Kids will learn to talk about a birthday party and talk about food.

– Kids will read about a birthday party and make offers using “Would you like ….  ? and respond appropriately. (Would you like some cake? Yes I would love some.)

– Kids will talk about holiday activities and their favourite holiday destinations.

– Kids will learn to ask and answer questions using ‘want’. (Where do you want to go on holiday? I want to go to the beach. Do you want ….?

The kids will be evaluated on the lessons done during the year.

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