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Course Description

– Grammar: have got/ Present simple/ Question words

– Vocabulary: Family/ Daily activities/ Describing people

– Functions: Talking about routines and habits. Asking for and telling the time. Describing everyday activities.

– Grammar: Adverbs of frequency/ Do you like …?/ Would you like…?

– Vocabulary:Free time activities

– Functions: Expressing preferences, like and dislikes/ Giving and responding to invitations

– Grammar: There is/are, a/ an, some & any, How much / many? a lot, a little, a few ,(don’t) have to

– Vocabulary: House & furniture/ Food & drink

– Functions: Saying where things are/ describing food/ ordering food/ expressing obligation

– Grammar: Present continuous/ Present simple vs Present continuous

– Vocabulary: Sport/ clothes

– Functions: Talking about what people are doing now/ Describing what people are wearing

– Grammar: Past simple/ ago/ Time expressions in/ at / on

– Vocabulary: places/ days & dates

– Functions: Describing places/ Talking about dates/ Talking about events in the past

– Grammar: Comparative adjectives/ Superlative adjectives

– Vocabulary: Transport directions

– Functions: Making comparison/Asking for and giving direction

– Grammar: Must/ mustn’t/ should/ shouldn’t/ can/ could & Adverbs of manner

– Vocabulary: Education/ musical instruments

– Functions: Expressing rules and obligation/ Giving advice & Talking about ability in the present and past

– Grammar: Past continuous/ Past simple & past continuous

– Vocabulary: Holiday activities/ Adjectives of opinion

– Functions: Talking about events in progress in the past/ Giving opinions

– Grammar:  be going to/ Infinitives & ing forms

– Vocabulary: Going out/ TV programmes & Word-building

– Functions: Making suggestions/ Talking about future plans

– Grammar: will, won’t & may/ First conditional

– Vocabulary: Countryside/ weather & seasons

– Functions: Following instructions/ Making predictions about the future & Expressing certainty and doubt

– Grammar: Present perfect/ Just/ Yet/ already/ Present perfect with for & since

– Vocabulary: The body/ health & illness/ Adjectives

– Functions: Talking about recent past events/ Talking about health problems & Discussing personal feelings

– Grammar: The passive: present/ The passive: past

– Vocabulary: Communication & technology/ Describing objects

– Functions: Describing simple objects & Checking understanding

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