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Course Description :

– IIn this lesson, kids will lean how to introduce themselves, talk about how they feel, tell their age and talk about the weather. (Hello, My name is …… I am … years old. Today it’s a little cloudy and very cold. Etc…)

– IPractise talking about possessions using “have got”, ask, and answer questions with “what are you / he / she doing? He is playing football/ She is reading.

– Kids will interpret a family tree and talk about family relationships.

– Kids will talk about preferences, using like, love enjoy and want.

– Kids will be able to describe family members.

The children learn the use of this tense and how to conjugate. The children practice this tense by looking at flash cards and making sentences. The kids further practise it by reading and writing sentences and completing activity sheets.

– Kids will talk about different places to live.

– Kids will talk and write about where they live and about their houses.

– Kids will read and answer questions about houses.

– The children learn the use of this tense and how to conjugate. The children practice this tense by looking at flash cards and making sentences. The kids further practise it by reading and writing sentences and completing activity sheets.

– The children learn the difference between the present continuous and the present simple.

– Kids will talk and read about daily routines.

– Kids will be able to name the days of the week and use adverbs to talk about the frequency of routine actions.

– Kids will be able to ask and answer questions about how often they do activities.

– The children learn the use of this tense and how to conjugate. The children practice this tense by looking at flash cards and making sentences. The kids further practise it by reading and writing sentences and completing activity sheets.

– Kids will be able to turn present sentences in to the past tense and past sentences in to the present.

– Kids will learn to tell the time and ask and answer questions using the time.

– Kids will be able to talk about places in the city and their location.

– Kids will be able to ask, answer and write about the location.

– Kids will be able to talk about obligations using “must”.

– Kids will be able to write, understand and talk about common illnesses.

– Kids will talk and read about obligations using “must and mustn’t”.

– Kids will be able to talk and name places in the country.

– Kids will read about the countryside and ask, and answer questions.

– Kids will use adjectives to describe country life.

– Kids will be able to talk about the differences between the country life and the city life.

– Kids will be able to talk about wild animals and their habitats.

– Kids will be able to write descriptions about wild animals and their habitats.

– Kids will be able to compare animals using comparative adjectives.

– Kids will be able to understand and talk about the weather.

– The kids will be able to talk about the past using “was and were”.

The kids will be evaluated on their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills at the end of the school year.

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